
1.MountTabor,risinglikeadome-likemountainfromthePlainofJezreel,istheplacewhereChristiantraditionplacesthetransfigurationofJesus.,2023年9月21日—MountTaborisadome-shapedmountainintheJezreelValleysituated6mileseastofNazarethand11milessouthwestoftheSeaofGalilee.,TheBattleofMountTaborwasfoughton16April1799,betweenFrenchforcescommandedbyNapoleonBonaparteandGeneralJean-BaptisteKléber,againstan ...,Mo...

Mt. Tabor Overview

1. Mount Tabor, rising like a dome-like mountain from the Plain of Jezreel, is the place where Christian tradition places the transfiguration of Jesus.

What is the significance of Mount Tabor in the Bible?

2023年9月21日 — Mount Tabor is a dome-shaped mountain in the Jezreel Valley situated 6 miles east of Nazareth and 11 miles southwest of the Sea of Galilee.

Battle of Mount Tabor (1799)

The Battle of Mount Tabor was fought on 16 April 1799, between French forces commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte and General Jean-Baptiste Kléber, against an ...

Mount Tabor

Mount Tabor, clearly distinguished from the other summits in Galilee, rises 450 meters above the plain and 588 meters above sea level.

Mount Tabor Nature Reserve and National Park

Mount Tabor was declared a Nature Reserve and National Park in 1991, covering a total area of about 4 dunams, and includes natural habitats, beautiful views, ...

Mount Tabor

2024年1月11日 — Mount Tabor, historic elevation of northern Israel, in Lower Galilee near the edge of the Plain of Esdraelon (ʿEmeq Yizreʿel).

Mount Tabor

Mount Tabor (Hebrew: הר תבור) (Har Tavor) is a large hill of Biblical significance in Lower Galilee, Northern Israel at the eastern end of the Jezreel ...